Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Pondok Pesantren Musthafawiyah Purba Baru Relevansinya Dalam Regenerasi Ulama Di Kabupaten Mandailing Natal




This study to determine the relevance of IBSMPB to the regeneration of the Mandailing Natal scholars. This used a qualitative method with a fenomena approach by using qualitative descriptive analysis. As the result of the research, regeneration in Mandailing Natal Regency includes two things: culture that is physical and non-physical. As for the physical form of culture such as: long white shirt, sarong (abid), white coat, turban, robe and coat, sandals. Non-physical includes: reading the yasin on Friday, reading the takhtim and tahlil on the grave of the sholar, and visiting the house of the favorite sholar.

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